ok I guess
Honestly I have seen better art in my students work they do in their sketches for art class at the end of each Friday. most of these are nice but few follow anything close to traditional figure drawing...yes even he heroes..those use heroic proportions, not realistic ones.
Aside from that critical thing. These are best suited for what they are for anyway, video games and comics and the like. So no major motion films for them. But I guess as a teacher, I kind of get tired of seeing stuff like this . The novelty wears off after a couple years of it.
I'm not understanding the need for such background fake papers. They were all done in flash or whatever program each prefers with those paper backgrounds right. So I don't see a point. I'd say its a little more impressive if entirely done on those papers freehand, then scanned over. Since paper drawing is a much different experience and skill-set than tablet or mouse drawing.
So overall I would guess some points for the efforts done to get tis ready, but this is roughly same or less than the quality my students put out in a 2 hour session every Friday afternoon for sketching time.
So grading as I do for my class, 10 being A and 1 being fail-redo, I give a 4/10
and over all flash a 2/5
Im sure you'll do better next friday :)